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How Do Reviews Work?

What is the rating on my profile?

Ryan avatar
Written by Ryan
Updated over a year ago

Businesses and Upshifters are given 72 hours to review one another once a shift has ended. Businesses and Upshifters are asked to rate on a 5-star scale; 0 stars being the least desirable and 5 stars the most desirable.

When businesses or Upshifters do not give a review within the designated 72-hour window an automatic rating of 5 stars is given.

Reviews are not available to be viewed by the greater public. Reviews of businesses by Upshifters are available to Upshifters so that they can make informed decisions in regard to which shifts to apply for. Likewise, reviews of Upshifters by businesses can be viewed by businesses so they can make informed decisions in regards to which Upshifters' applications to accept for a shift.

Upshifters' and Businesses' reviews are represented through an aggregate star rating of all received reviews on their profile. Since these aggregate reviews are averages they can appear on profiles as numerical values anywhere from 0 to 5.

When reviewing a business, you will need to go to your finished shifts, you will see an orange banner stating "You have 1 shift review pending". Click on the arrow in order to review the previous shifts you completed.

Please note that you will not be able to see your star rating until you have worked 5 shifts across 3 different businesses.

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