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The different kinds of suspensions you may receive at Upshift and how long they occur.

Ryan avatar
Written by Ryan
Updated over a year ago

Suspensions are directly based on Upshift's disciplinary policy. Depending on the number of strikes your account receives, you may be put on a temporary or permanent suspension.

  • 1 STRIKE: Warning and no suspension

  • 2 STRIKES: 7-Day Temporary Account Suspension

  • 3 STRIKES: Permanent Suspension From Upshift (This is a lifelong suspension from the Upshift platform, and you cannot reapply for Upshift again)

Note: the 7-day suspension will reactivate at the exact time the second strike was assigned

I'm off my suspension, but I have been removed from all of my shifts.

When you are on suspension, you get removed from all of your accepted and confirmed shifts. When you are off of the suspension, the shifts will be put into your applied tab in the Upshift app, and you will need the business to reaccept you for the shifts in order for you to be able to work them. Businesses accept their own shifts; therefore, the time frame for being accepted may vary. If you are accepted for a shift, you will be notified via the app and via text/email. You will then have the option to confirm or cancel the shift. You should only attend shifts that have been accepted and confirmed. You can always apply for multiple shifts at the same time. Once you are accepted for one shift, the system will not allow you to be accepted for a shift that overlaps.

How Can I Waive My Strikes?

We understand that life happens. If you are unable to make it to your shift, please cancel the shift as soon as possible and reach out to the Help Center for further assistance.

Strikes may only be waived if relevant and official police or medical documentation is submitted. Medical documentation must be sent directly by a physician or medical provider. The documentation must contain a seal, signature, phone number, and/or email so that the document can be verified. The documentation must be received within 72 hours of the shift start time otherwise we will be unable to accept it. Medical Documentation can be emailed to or faxed to 513-586-0218. Submitting documentation does not guarantee it will qualify to waive strikes received. Documentation is reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

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